St Neots - Cambridge

via Cambourne, Bourn, Kingston, Toft, Comberton, Barton and Grantchester

Download Full Timetable


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 18 - Cambourne, Broad St, Morrison's - St Neots, Market Square

    sch nsch nsch sch           sch nsch nsch sch    
Drummer St Bus Station Cambridge (Bay 3)
Drummer St Bus Station
Cambridge (Bay 3)
--- 07:40 07:50 08:55 --- 09:55 10:55 11:55 12:55 13:55 14:35 14:55 16:00 15:47 17:30 19:05
Barton Road Newnham Road
Barton Road
Newnham Road
--- 07:51 07:57 09:02 --- 10:05 11:05 12:05 13:05 14:05 14:45 15:05 16:10 16:07 17:50 19:14
Grantchester Pearce's Yard
Pearce's Yard
--- 07:58 08:03 09:08 --- 10:10 11:10 12:10 13:10 14:10 14:50 15:10 16:15 16:13 17:55 19:18
Barton The Hoops
The Hoops
--- 08:04 08:09 09:14 09:14 10:15 11:15 12:15 13:15 14:15 14:56 15:16 16:21 16:19 18:00 19:23
Comberton outside Village College B1046
outside Village College B1046
--- --- 08:15 09:20 09:20 10:22 11:22 12:22 13:22 14:22 --- 15:22 16:27 --- 18:06 19:29
Comberton Village College grounds
Comberton Village College
--- 08:12 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 15:08 --- --- 16:27 --- ---
Kingston Village Hall
Village Hall
--- 08:20 08:22 09:28 09:28 10:29 11:29 12:29 13:29 14:29 15:15 15:29 16:34 16:33 18:13 19:36
Bourn Willow Tree
Willow Tree
--- 08:26 08:28 09:34 09:34 10:34 11:34 12:34 13:34 14:34 15:21 15:34 16:39 16:38 18:18 19:41
Cambourne Broad Street, Morrison's
Broad Street, Morrison's
06:04 08:37 08:39 09:45 09:45 10:46 11:46 12:46 13:46 14:46 15:33 15:44 16:49 16:49 18:28 19:51
Lower Cambourne School Lane, opp Co-op
Lower Cambourne
School Lane, opp Co-op
06:06 08:40 08:42 09:48 09:48 10:49 11:49 12:49 13:49 14:49 15:37 15:47 16:52 16:52 18:31 19:54
Caxton Brockholt Road
Brockholt Road
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 15:40 15:50 16:55 16:55 18:34 19:57
Longstowe crossroads
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 20:02
Great Gransden Post Office
Great Gransden
Post Office
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 15:47 15:57 17:02 17:02 18:41 20:14
Abbotsley Vicarage Farmyard
Vicarage Farmyard
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 15:54 16:03 17:08 17:09 18:47 20:21
St Neots opp Wintringham
St Neots
opp Wintringham
06:18 08:57 08:57 10:03 10:03 11:03 12:03 13:03 14:03 15:03 16:05 16:13 --- --- --- ---
St Neots opp rail station
St Neots
opp rail station
06:20 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
St Neots Market Square (stop D)
St Neots
Market Square (stop D)
06:25 09:04 09:04 10:09 10:09 11:09 12:09 13:09 14:09 15:09 16:12 16:20 17:20 17:23 18:58 20:32

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Journey notes

  • sch
    • these journeys run on Cambridgeshire school days only
  • nsch
    • these journeys run in Cambridgeshire school holidays only

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 18 - St Neots, Market Square - Cambourne, Broad St, Morrison's

    nsch sch sch nsch           sch nsch sch nsch      
St Neots Market Square (stop E)
St Neots
Market Square (stop E)
--- 06:35 06:35 07:05 07:25 08:25 09:25 then
:25 until 14:25 14:28 15:25 15:32 16:32 17:35 20:40
St Neots Wintringham
St Neots
--- --- --- 07:13 07:31 08:32 09:31 :31 14:31 14:34 15:31 15:38 16:38 17:41 20:46
Abbotsley Vicarage Farmyard
Vicarage Farmyard
--- 06:47 06:47 --- 07:41 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Great Gransden opp Post Office
Great Gransden
opp Post Office
06:15 06:54 06:54 --- 07:49 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Longstowe crossroads
06:27 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Caxton Brockholt Road
Brockholt Road
06:32 06:59 06:59 --- 07:55 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Lower Cambourne School Lane, Co-op
Lower Cambourne
School Lane, Co-op
06:35 07:02 07:02 07:38 07:58 08:49 09:46 :46 14:46 14:49 15:46 15:53 16:53 17:56 21:01
Cambourne Broad Street, Morrison's
Broad Street, Morrison's
06:38 07:06 07:06 07:44 08:02 08:53 09:50 :50 14:50 14:52 15:50 15:56 16:56 18:00 21:03
Bourn Willow Tree
Willow Tree
06:47 07:17 07:17 07:56 08:12 09:04 10:01 :01 15:01 15:03 16:01 16:07 17:07 18:10 ---
Kingston Village Hall
Village Hall
06:52 07:23 07:23 08:02 08:18 09:09 10:06 :06 15:06 15:08 16:07 16:13 17:13 18:15 ---
Comberton Village College grounds
Comberton Village College
--- --- 07:31 08:11 --- --- --- --- 15:13 --- 16:15 --- --- --- ---
Comberton opp Village College B1046
opp Village College B1046
06:59 07:31 --- --- 08:26 09:16 10:13 :13 --- 15:14 --- 16:20 17:20 18:22 ---
Barton The Hoops
The Hoops
07:06 07:38 07:38 08:20 08:33 09:24 10:21 :21 15:21 15:21 16:23 16:27 17:27 18:28 ---
Grantchester Pearce's Yard
Pearce's Yard
--- 07:45 07:45 08:28 08:40 09:31 10:28 :28 15:28 15:28 16:30 16:34 17:34 18:34 ---
Hills Rd Sixth Form College
Hills Rd Sixth Form College
--- --- 08:10 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Barton Road near Grange Road
Barton Road
near Grange Road
07:13 07:50 --- 08:34 08:45 09:36 10:33 :33 15:33 15:33 16:36 16:40 17:40 18:39 ---
Drummer St Bus Station Cambridge (Bay 3)
Drummer St Bus Station
Cambridge (Bay 3)
07:22 07:59 08:25 08:50 08:55 09:46 10:42 :42 15:42 15:42 16:48 16:48 17:48 18:48 ---

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Journey notes

  • nsch
    • these journeys run in Cambridgeshire school holidays only
  • sch
    • these journeys run on Cambridgeshire school days only

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 18 - Cambourne, Broad St, Morrison's - St Neots, Market Square

Drummer St Bus Station Cambridge (Bay 3)
Drummer St Bus Station
Cambridge (Bay 3)
--- --- 08:55 09:55 10:55 11:55 12:55 13:55 14:55 16:00 17:30 19:05
Barton Road Newnham Road
Barton Road
Newnham Road
--- --- 09:03 10:04 11:05 12:06 13:07 14:07 15:07 16:12 17:42 19:15
Grantchester Pearce's Yard
Pearce's Yard
--- --- 09:09 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:13 15:13 16:17 17:47 19:20
Barton The Hoops
The Hoops
--- --- 09:15 10:16 11:17 12:18 13:19 14:19 15:19 16:23 17:53 19:26
Comberton outside Village College B1046
outside Village College B1046
--- --- 09:21 10:22 11:23 12:24 13:25 14:25 15:25 16:29 17:59 19:31
Kingston Village Hall
Village Hall
--- --- 09:28 10:29 11:30 12:31 13:32 14:32 15:32 16:36 18:06 19:37
Bourn Willow Tree
Willow Tree
--- --- 09:34 10:35 11:36 12:37 13:37 14:37 15:37 16:41 18:11 19:42
Cambourne Broad Street, Morrison's
Broad Street, Morrison's
06:04 08:45 09:45 10:46 11:47 12:48 13:48 14:48 15:48 16:52 18:21 19:52
Lower Cambourne School Lane, opp Co-op
Lower Cambourne
School Lane, opp Co-op
06:06 08:47 09:48 10:49 11:50 12:51 13:51 14:51 15:51 16:55 18:24 19:55
St Neots opp Wintringham
St Neots
opp Wintringham
06:18 08:59 10:00 11:02 12:04 13:05 14:05 15:05 16:05 --- --- ---
St Neots opp rail station
St Neots
opp rail station
06:20 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Caxton Brockholt Road
Brockholt Road
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 16:58 18:27 19:58
Longstowe crossroads
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 20:02
Great Gransden Post Office
Great Gransden
Post Office
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 17:05 18:33 20:12
Abbotsley Vicarage Farmyard
Vicarage Farmyard
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 17:12 18:39 20:18
St Neots Market Square (stop D)
St Neots
Market Square (stop D)
06:25 09:04 10:06 11:08 12:10 13:11 14:11 15:11 16:11 17:24 18:51 20:28

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 18 - St Neots, Market Square - Cambourne, Broad St, Morrison's

St Neots Market Square (stop E)
St Neots
Market Square (stop E)
06:35 08:30 09:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 13:25 14:28 15:32 16:32 17:35 20:40
St Neots Wintringham
St Neots
--- 08:35 09:31 10:31 11:31 12:31 13:31 14:34 15:38 16:38 17:41 20:44
Abbotsley Vicarage Farmyard
Vicarage Farmyard
06:47 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Great Gransden opp Post Office
Great Gransden
opp Post Office
06:54 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Caxton Brockholt Road
Brockholt Road
06:59 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Lower Cambourne School Lane, Co-op
Lower Cambourne
School Lane, Co-op
07:02 08:48 09:44 10:44 11:44 12:44 13:44 14:47 15:51 16:51 17:55 20:58
Cambourne Broad Street, Morrison's
Broad Street, Morrison's
07:06 08:52 09:48 10:48 11:48 12:48 13:48 14:51 15:55 16:55 17:59 21:00
Bourn Willow Tree
Willow Tree
07:16 09:03 09:59 10:59 11:59 12:59 13:59 15:02 16:06 17:06 18:09 ---
Kingston Village Hall
Village Hall
07:22 09:09 10:05 11:05 12:05 13:05 14:05 15:08 16:12 17:12 18:14 ---
Comberton opp Village College B1046
opp Village College B1046
07:29 09:16 10:12 11:12 12:12 13:12 14:12 15:14 16:18 17:18 18:20 ---
Barton The Hoops
The Hoops
07:36 09:24 10:20 11:20 12:20 13:20 14:20 15:21 16:25 17:25 18:26 ---
Grantchester Pearce's Yard
Pearce's Yard
07:42 09:30 10:26 11:26 12:26 13:26 14:27 15:28 16:32 17:32 18:32 ---
Barton Road near Grange Road
Barton Road
near Grange Road
07:48 09:36 10:32 11:32 12:32 13:32 14:33 15:34 16:38 17:38 18:37 ---
Drummer St Bus Station Cambridge (Bay 3)
Drummer St Bus Station
Cambridge (Bay 3)
07:56 09:45 10:44 11:44 12:44 13:44 14:45 15:44 16:48 17:48 18:46 ---

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Generated on 05/09/2024 09:11